How to find the right business partner?
As this question is a daily part of the work in the complex health tourism,
we have developed a decent, structured approach to bring people together.
During the DAY 2 and 3 we arrange sessions in the morning with pre-sche-duled
meetings based on an elaborated business interest match.
The problem to make interests ready for negotiations is: there has to be a
dead-line until when you - or the company you represent - have to show up
with the result of your decision making. The po-tential business partner
need to know your strategy, your intention, your busi-ness proposal.
This requires a careful preparation, but having an opportunity,
where you can meet more than just one you may have picked from the internet,
gives you a booster of opportunities!
The 2nd European Congress on Health Tourism
is organizing this "Health Tourism Business Hub"
based on your industry sector and your interest profile.
The B2B match is twofold:
as soon you have registered, you will receive a questionnaire with 3 levels
of granulation:
1. the main industrial sector where you are positioned,
2. the main sectors to which you are looking to find a business partner
3. the specific interest behind your approach when you go
into the 20 mi-nute meeting ( for example: present the company, discuss a
cooperation model, offer specific services, buy services, look-ing for investment
More than that: you may ask for to meet selected participants
as soon the list - once it has substantial numbers - is been published in
time and prior to the event.
In case you want to attract maximum attention,
you may apply for one of the 30 slots during the one-on-one meetings,
in which you are allowed to give a 5 minute comprehensive
presentation about your crisp and clear business
proposition to an expert forum audience. The you take
part in the ARENA Forum and let your business proposal
be discussed by the audience.
Click here for more details >>